Kid Masterbates My Husband Looks At Porn On The Computer In Our Bedroom & Masterbates While Im Sleeping, He Wont!?

My husband looks at porn on the computer in our bedroom & masterbates while Im sleeping, He wont!? - kid masterbates

We have two children aged 24 years and 6 months. Was in my first pregnancy, my husband watching porn, but he called voyeurism. He sees porn while I'm awake, for example, if I have the children who come to bathe in our room and shut the door and look .. And see, while I sleep and the baby sleeps with me. The team is located on a bedside table that the monitor next to my head and click click click, is torture. I told him I would not mind if you look at it even if we had sex, but refuses my progress, and shows no interest for me. The affection I get is to adopt the "kiss in the morning, it's just a habit. I think they're roommates and I'm her maid, because I stay at home. I'm just responding to him and he just tapped. As I can change what happened? "I feel like a prisoner in my own bed and a slave to her husband .... HELP !!!!!!!!!!


feed me to the sleep said...

Giving an ultimatum.

bigmomma said...

Unplug the computer and in his room. You do not have to compete with him. You are in a difficult situation because he has two young children in need. Sounds like something has happened in the relationship that the two may have to talk to. You have a lot at stake, so I hope you can get this work.

Becka said...

You may need to "Parental Control" of your computer. Set parental controls and it does not tell you the password. Let them know how you feel. Maybe get a babysitter for one night and two others were released. Perhaps in a rut and needed something else. Go to a good dinner and dancing or a movie - in a nice hotel for the night. Try to put the romance back into your relationship.

David F said...

1) no longer care for him.
To terminate 2), their Internet service.
3) Cancel the cable / satellite.
4) Contact Promise Keepers

Or would you prefer a secret phone number your ISP and ask them to block certain sites ... or install any software Netnanny that only the password.

Magic 8 Ball: The Witch is In said...

Depends on what you are willing to tolerate. If this is constant and does not have sex with you, then you have a problem. If it does not do something, we do step in and out.

proud2vo... said...

It looks like a bigger problem than you. It appears that your part to try to help. Try to see a marriage counselor. You can sustain itself, even if you do not want to participate. I have a few resources that I found just contain online.

Sassy Diva said...

You need to let your husband know that his future in the porn that bothers you. You should also apply to a marriage counselor - think in these situations usually, there are underlying problems in the relationship, porn is a symptom of this.

BabeHart said...

Tell him that the situation is unacceptable and that you try to resolve between you, get couples counseling, or even cares to take, how to change, and indeed better than those in unsatisfying marriages.

roobugs said...

The last time my friend watched porn, our computer has a virus, so we had to reformat everything. So I said, you should think about what is most important, the real thing with him or with the fake chicken on your computer full of sexually transmitted diseases.

the real casual poster said...

This seems a fairly widespread phenomenon in yahoo answers. For me pornography is an early release when you can not get sex from my wife. I do not understand why a man a real woman refuse to their hooks to would shake pornography on the computer. Maybe I should see a psychiatrist!

Lovely Lady 27 said...

He has an addiction, not to be in a position to have an orgasm with pornography now will have. Tell him that his marriage is nearing completion is not always for the help and advice with information that you will leave with the kids b / c you deserve better.

Lucy said...

This is just a bad habit or addiction harmless. This is worthy of serious counseling. There should be a porn rehab. If you love the cables, porn cross. Something went wrong somewhere in his brain.

tikiman said...

I told some of PSYC courses that get a few guys from the female, having a child was outside, I can not remember the name, but that is why they masturbated, and can not have sex

tikiman said...

I told some of PSYC courses that get a few guys from the female, having a child was outside, I can not remember the name, but that is why they masturbated, and can not have sex

police said...

Men tend to her husband, especially in the long-term relationship between men and women. Women just have patience ... In fact, your husband is very healthy, you must be patient.

Quasimod... said...

Heh, heh .... Lady ... in the same room?

One ..... Well ... Not only that my heart does not get on the brass ovaries to the monitor and click below on the construction of its ... but I will in Kleenex Corporation today buy.

-doozer- said...

It seems that the best mattress is not fun. Maybe you're the problem. You need to talk to. Do you have a healthy sex life? If not start, then work on it! What do you do for him? Hopefully, it was gone!

Anji said...

The situation is serious ....

... Only BIG!

I'm far from a prude and do not bother .... but it is a porn obsession. Wacking to act instead of photos, as a husband and father.

I can not tolerate BS - I had driven from his nasty ass now!

Stop Crime said...

After a bit of help as soon as possible ............

This is not a habit now thats a disease

I will be at your side when you look at every day
to avoid, however, his personal life, because it ... no no no no

Stop Crime said...

After a bit of help as soon as possible ............

This is not a habit now thats a disease

I will be at your side when you look at every day
to avoid, however, his personal life, because it ... no no no no

Samantha P said...

I think I have to say, and you need the time together just the difficulty of losing, to spend his rhythm, but it has been this way before It expresses

Kyle S said... ...

Look at this. This is an advice column. Exactly the same problem, but in terms of man!

Bartoni said...

Who is so disrespectful that you just walk and .... directly to a lawyer and the skin of ba * later. No body deserves it for you. Go.

nonamebl... said...

Get rid of the damn computer. I would say that you have a new one if you can develop and examine how a responsible father and husband receipt.

Valerie X Atheists Hate Me LOL! said...

Porn is for the weak, but silly fools on Yahoo Answers "..... that the "normal

To all the thumbs down, I will come to us? I rest my case.

tapout23... said...

She has filled a gap. Take time for yourself and your husband. Their relationship comes first. Take your time.

tapout23... said...

She has filled a gap. Take time for yourself and your husband. Their relationship comes first. Take your time.

tapout23... said...

She has filled a gap. Take time for yourself and your husband. Their relationship comes first. Take your time.

bobzeaux said...

Hide-line Internet, until help arrives. That's fucked up

Teresa said...

It is a porn addict. He needs professional help. They do not accept this kind of betrayal.

Teresa said...

It is a porn addict. He needs professional help. They do not accept this kind of betrayal.

Teresa said...

It is a porn addict. He needs professional help. They do not accept this kind of betrayal.

Cesaria Barbarossa said...

He has a problem and needs some kind of intervention. We look at pornography and all, but we as a precursor of our gettin it ...

Jack P said...

will allow it to dominate for a few days

jigga said...

Even pretending to sleep, until he started Masterbating then "Wake Up" and then start it plesuring ... When you're done, tell him more often if you do not watch pornography.

zaxraide... said...

Since the attacker.
When You Kiss Me, push pelvis into hers.
Suggestion that what you want.

tomtomad... said...

Maybe when he wakes up and jumps look fun. I like it.

tomtomad... said...

Maybe when he wakes up and jumps look fun. I like it.

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