What Type Of Wax To Use For Brazilion Which Type Of Surf Wax Should I Use When Surfing In California?

Which type of surf wax should i use when surfing in California? - what type of wax to use for brazilion

More specifically, said Orange County and has been mainly So.Cal.Im in a few months and I want to use know.should tropical, cool, cold, hot, etc. Thank you wax?.


Shane B said...

Timing is everything in life, and surfing is no exception.

If you are in Southern California, "month", then it most likely means March or April. Spring Break Surf trip, perhaps?

At this time of year is usually the worst season for surfing. Spring can be difficult, because the winds are often strong and always on the floor, not good for surfing, but ideal for wind sports such as kite surfing and windsurfing.

If you want the water temperature, you can

http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/dsdt/cwtg/spac. ...

You'll find that if you are in Southern California, in March or April, probably around 60 ° C.

As for the wax, the brand is not important (I went to Sticky Bumps), but as you know, the question * * type of wax.

% Http: / / www.waveequation.com / Surf 20Wax% 2 ...

It seems that you can be a bit of "make cool" wax and everything is fine.

I hope the waves during your journey!

Amanda Lovee said...

I live in Orange County, California
and instant messaging on the computer of my surf school
So every weekend of surf and EVERYOTHER morning with my team

Bump sticky stuff is the best for our kind of water --
Zoog Sex Wax is very good, but it's catchy hits wayyyyyy cheaper and has more options.

I either use fresh or base

Id say stick with the cold, generally leads to that the temperature is not tropical, and only if their use hot summer, because if you do in winter when the Board of Directors rewax then gets stuck and the hard realpply trying new Type

have fun dude

I am addicted to surfing
I can not live without it

Amanda Lovee said...

I live in Orange County, California
and instant messaging on the computer of my surf school
So every weekend of surf and EVERYOTHER morning with my team

Bump sticky stuff is the best for our kind of water --
Zoog Sex Wax is very good, but it's catchy hits wayyyyyy cheaper and has more options.

I either use fresh or base

Id say stick with the cold, generally leads to that the temperature is not tropical, and only if their use hot summer, because if you do in winter when the Board of Directors rewax then gets stuck and the hard realpply trying new Type

have fun dude

I am addicted to surfing
I can not live without it

Sean said...

For most, cold wax throughout the year. In rare cases, I'll take cold or hot wax wax for winter and summer, respectively.

seamonster . said...

slightly sticky clumps of sticky wax. Zog is an exaggeration, completely the product of 70 years. nice t-shirt Bad Wax

Mel J said...

I live here and cool, I use cold wax on the gender of the water. Besides, it smells soo good!

Mel J said...

I live here and cool, I use cold wax on the gender of the water. Besides, it smells soo good!

Cole N said...

The heat will make even in cold water, the forms of stability.

Joey said...

Go tropical beats should work Id say the best, but everything depends on water Tempature

Brian A said...

Tight shots well. which should be very cold / cold. Operate at any time in California.

a~surfer... said...

definitely cool!

Wounded Duck said...

Cool Zoggs.

Andrew K said...

stricky coolly blows

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