Answering Machine Messages Garbled Boyfriend Called Answering Machine Left Message That Sounded Like "hello Cindy" He Said"hello Sweetie"?

Boyfriend called answering machine left message that sounded like "hello cindy" he said"hello sweetie"? - answering machine messages garbled

both, even sound remotly the same? He said he said "Hello darling"? But I can clearly hear Cindy ... Is this possible if he on his cell phone and was a little confused? or he was just a matter of discourse? Had there been an honest mistake?


Take My Cнєяяу It's Tasty™ said...

It does not sound too good to all, one can imagine that there is indeed already suspect?

= D

Bird said...

lol. Can you read a link and audio? This just reminded me of something funny happened with my grandmother. She called one days angry because I left the message: "Call me when you get home ...", he thought I said:" Call me a bitch ...". What to do, of course, not to say that my grandmother, it may be a fault line or another have been a problem with the phone.

Samantha said...

Your answering machine allows you to record the message again, if so, then I'm sure it was love or simply to repeat.

when to let go of any evidence of fraud other than easy, hell of an advertisement for "The Brady Bunch may have been in his mind or something like that, you know ...

is not a big deal out of it.

$uG@r said...

You must keep an eye on him if he does say something strange defenitly not spy in (this would be a good idea, though LOL!), But if you suspect that something is a problem!

I hope that helped xx xx

everyone loves me said...

You look at the phone and see if it Cindy! If you use dump. but if not, it was probably a mistake. no need to worry

♥Ti Amo♥ said...

Cindy sweetie, and even sounds similar. I think to say the leg and tried to fix that now, "said Love.

What was a poor excuse he used.

claire said...

We love to cheat and Cindy Come On Girl stepped off the road and say who has come with Cindy

hugsandh... said...

The things that I love to hear bad before.He said I probably scared about this ..

Joeda said...

Apparently, she called Cindy.
But yes, these two do not ring as well. If I were you, I'm on the clock.

PapasChi... said...

Why would you ask that? You need to trust that have problems with it, and if you then why are you with him?

notreall... said...

if the message garbled? I think I probably heard wrong. or at least I hope you did.

admolin said...

Do not give more importance to ... Is it an innocent mistake, or maybe you have a hearing problem.

admolin said...

Do not give more importance to ... Is it an innocent mistake, or maybe you have a hearing problem.

balambal... said...

Wow, I hope your name is Cindy.

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