Best Motherboard Diagram Best LGA775 CPU Cooler?

Best LGA775 CPU cooler? - best motherboard diagram

I'm tired and AnandTech [H] ardOCP Advisory CPU Cooler - I think to ask:

I need a CPU cooler that the air flow above used on one side mounted on the motherboard (with I / O-down) ...

I am looking for a refrigerator that is as passive as possible, that the activation of a fan with a real burden. In an Asus P5N32-E SLI board.


- Must be able to deal with natural air flow in the right direction for the orientation in the diagram above trip ( "backward" flow - some which only one)
- Must be a P5N32 without fouling the map in Figure 1 PCIe - even if it installed correctly "wrong side"
- Ideally, with the latest driver Asus CPU fan compatible (Q-Fan?), But not necessarily ... Then the fan control by other means if necessary
- Able to run w / o fan, unless under the direction itself (I want to build a system for silent yet)

Secondary considerations:
- It would be great to see was Ultra Fresh from the platform toprovides a clear Plexiglas cover completely (And probly one kravvy LED too little - is a masterpiece, lol)
- (It should fit properly to the motherboard, the stock cooler on my inclination Wolfdale "The last motherboard we've ever had! Back thanks! Help assembling the nuts and bolts instead of errors) can

As far as I know, would be no problem with the cooler for almost all of the 775 systems, but only Socket478 have done so far, so I can be sure.


Thank you for reading, hope you have good information - preferably experience.



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