Anniversary Poems For Mom And Dad Does Anyone Have Any Anniversary Poem?

Does anyone have any Anniversary Poem? - anniversary poems for mom and dad

Hey, someone's birthday poems that are willing to stock for Mom and Dad? Thank you very much ... plz help. Thank you!


Likely Story said...

I enjoy and I will write to me

I can not believe that another year
How did I survive for ever
Well, this must be love after all
You're my better half, my love
Try for one year

Samantha... said...

Try these sites:

Hope it helps. : D

♫Denmark♫[owner of puppy love] said...

Write your own.
Visit the websites of poetry
to help
write their own.
It would be
especially when he did.

Jesere said...

Check out "How I love you" on this page. A poem I wrote and published

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